How to have a perfect partner!!!!!
Between a man and a woman behavours are different. A woman is more delicate than a man, with this I mean that a woman requires more attention and dedication. On the other hand the man by nature is considered the strongest and protector. These differences are complemented when men and women come together.
Who demands more?
Men are simple, do not require much, when they want to choose some clothes they just pick and that`s it, but women take thei´re time to do many things beacuse they want to get a good result.
If we talk about stereotypes, women are always looking for the perfect man and if the do not found it, the create a new one.
Ten Signs Your Relationship Isn’t Working: Break Up or Fix It
Problem: One of You Thinks the Other Is Needy
Relationships are great, but they work best when it’s two people coming together to make a greater whole. One of the most important parts of that is being an independent person who holds his own. Writer and researcher David Deida discusses this a lot, speaking about the importance in modern relationships of people to maintain their sense of identity and independence:
The “modern” style of relationship is based on two independent people coming together and working out an equitable partnership. Each partner is expected to shoulder half the responsibilities, more or less, right down the middle. Each often has their own source of income, and together they negotiate a 50/50 plan to divide household duties, parenting, and financial obligations.”
Solution: Plan for time apart. Cultivate outside interests.
Reasons to Break Up: When the two of you have a unitary identity and you can’t pull yourself out of it despite your best efforts. Losing yourself is not good or healthy for anyone. If you can’t find your identity even after trying repeatedly, do both of you a favor and call it quits.
The “modern” style of relationship is based on two independent people coming together and working out an equitable partnership. Each partner is expected to shoulder half the responsibilities, more or less, right down the middle. Each often has their own source of income, and together they negotiate a 50/50 plan to divide household duties, parenting, and financial obligations.”
Solution: Plan for time apart. Cultivate outside interests.
Reasons to Break Up: When the two of you have a unitary identity and you can’t pull yourself out of it despite your best efforts. Losing yourself is not good or healthy for anyone. If you can’t find your identity even after trying repeatedly, do both of you a favor and call it quits.
Problem: You’re in a High-Conflict Relationship
You guys fight. A lot. Even by the standards of people who fight a lot. No matter what, it seems like the two of you can’t even do the simplest things without it becoming a huge deal. In fact, as we recently referenced in an infographic from The Art of Charm, constant fighting is the cause of nearly one-third of all breakups.
It’s easy to see why: living your life walking on eggshells, wondering what’s going to cause the next big blow up is miserable. At the same time, maybe you still love her and want to be together, but you just don’t want the fights. How do you know if it’s possible to keep your relationship and ditch the conflict?
Solution: Counseling, mediation and anger management.
Reasons to Break Up: You just can’t stop fighting
Problem: Jealousy Is a Constant Undercurrent
It’s probably not that surprising that infidelity is a major cause of breakups, to the tune of over 36 percent. However, you don’t need cheat to deal with some of the negatives associated with it, namely jealousy.
Jealousy can originate from one person, though more often than not, it’s a dynamic that involves you both. You worry when she talks to another guy, she worries when you even mention a woman. With that kind of energy in a relationship it can be draining as well as limiting on both of your freedom. The question is how do you fix things and reverse the trend?
Solution: Become more comfortable with yourself.
Jealousy can originate from one person, though more often than not, it’s a dynamic that involves you both. You worry when she talks to another guy, she worries when you even mention a woman. With that kind of energy in a relationship it can be draining as well as limiting on both of your freedom. The question is how do you fix things and reverse the trend?
Solution: Become more comfortable with yourself.
Reasons to Break Up: You can stop it, but she can’t.
Problem: One or Both of You Is Bored
Boredom is almost inevitable in relationships if the relationship lasts long enough. It is easy to settle into a routine and routines and boredom go together like peanut butter and jelly. The question isn’t whether or not boredom is going to happen; It’s how you’re going to deal with boredom when it does happen. With one in five women breaking up because they missed being single, you need to take boredom seriously.
Solution: Do something new and exciting together.
Boredom is almost inevitable in relationships if the relationship lasts long enough. It is easy to settle into a routine and routines and boredom go together like peanut butter and jelly. The question isn’t whether or not boredom is going to happen; It’s how you’re going to deal with boredom when it does happen. With one in five women breaking up because they missed being single, you need to take boredom seriously.
Solution: Do something new and exciting together.
Reasons to Break Up: Boredom isn’t the real problem.
Problem: Your Sex Life Isn’t What It Used to Be
Much like boredom, your sex life hitting the skids is almost a certainty. That doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it; It just means that you have to accept the inevitability and be ready for it. So what’s the cure for a sex life that isn’t what it used to be?
Solution: Try new things in the bedroom that maybe you’ve only talked about.
Reasons to Break Up: You’re just not into the same stuff.
Problem: One of You Is Always Trying to Change the Other
No one likes it when someone else tries to change them. It places stress on both of you and thus, the whole relationship. Not only does it cause stress, it can also cause resentment and resentment is toxic. So if one or both of you is always trying to change the other one, what do you do?
Solution: Accept that the other person is who they are and demand the same.
Reasons to Break Up: One of you can’t let the other person be themselves.
Problem: There’s No Long-Term Potential
Some girls are fun, but there’s nothing really there. Good times, good sex, good laughs… but nothing more tangible than that. Presumably, if you two are more than “just dating,” you want some kind of long-term potential. If you’re not feeling it, that’s a serious problem.
Solution: Evaluate why she is not a keeper.
Problem: There’s No Long-Term Potential
Some girls are fun, but there’s nothing really there. Good times, good sex, good laughs… but nothing more tangible than that. Presumably, if you two are more than “just dating,” you want some kind of long-term potential. If you’re not feeling it, that’s a serious problem.
Solution: Evaluate why she is not a keeper.
Reasons to Break Up: The difference between where she is and what you want to great.
Problem: You Don’t Trust Each Other
Trust is a difficult thing. Especially if one of you has done something to violate the other’s trust; But maybe one of you is just not a trusting person or have had experiences in the past that affects your ability to trust. You might even be an untrustworthy person who is projecting how you lie or manipulate onto your partner even if they do not do that. Whatever the issue is, you can’t have a serious relationship without trust. So how do you start building that?
Solution: Begin building trust in small ways.
Reasons to Break Up: One of you just can’t repair the trust.
Problem: You Never Go on Dates
It’s funny. They call it “dating,” but a lot of people who are don’t go on a lot of actual dates. This can lead to boredom. It can also lead to “falling out of love,” which was cited by nearly 40 percent of women as a reason for breaking up. So you need to pay attention to this, even when you’re in a long-term relationship.
Solution: Pick a day of the week and make that date night.
Reasons to Break Up: Just don’t.
Problem: You’re Wondering About Other Women
Maybe you’ve got some chemistry with a woman at work. Maybe it’s the girl who serves you coffee. Maybe you’re just day dreaming a lot about women that you encounter. The point is, you’re wondering about other women.
Solution: Realize it’s normal and not necessarily a reason to break up.
Reasons to Break Up: You’ve cheated or think you’re going to.
AJ Harbinger. (s.f.). Art of
Charm. Retrived:
Viera, V. (2016)
Viera, V. (2016)
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